Create a dictionary for the labeling results
Create a dictionary for the labeling results
label_column = "label::english",
analysis_type_dictionary = NULL,
results_table = NULL
- kobo_survey_sheet
KOBO survey sheet to be used.
- kobo_choices_sheet
KOBO choices sheet to be used.
- label_column
label column from the KOBO tools to be used.
- analysis_type_dictionary
Analysis type dictionary, a data frame with analysis type and label_analysis_type to be used. By default parameters is set to NULL. It will use a default dataframe. See section analysis_type_dictionary for more details.
- results_table
result object with an analysis key. Default is NULL, it will be used with review_kobo_labels.
kobo_survey_sheet = presentresults_MSNA2024_kobotool_fixed$kobo_survey,
kobo_choices_sheet = presentresults_MSNA2024_kobotool_fixed$kobo_choices
#> $dictionary_survey
#> # A tibble: 119 × 2
#> name `label::english`
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 admin1 "Admin 1"
#> 2 resp_gender "What is your gender?"
#> 3 hoh_gender "What is the head of household's gender?"
#> 4 hoh_age "How old is the head of household?"
#> 5 setting "Do you live in a in a rural area, urban or peri…
#> 6 hh_size "Including yourself, how many people live in thi…
#> 7 aap_priority_challenge "What are the most significant challenges that y…
#> 8 aap_priority_support_ngo "What support (if any) would your household like…
#> 9 aap_preferred_modality "If your household were to receive humanitarian …
#> 10 aap_received_assistance_12m "Has your household received aid in the past 12 …
#> # ℹ 109 more rows
#> $dictionary_choices
#> # A tibble: 506 × 3
#> name_survey name_choices `label::english_choices`
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 admin1 PCODE1 To be updated by country 1
#> 2 admin1 PCODE2 To be updated by country 2
#> 3 resp_gender male Male / man
#> 4 resp_gender female Female / woman
#> 5 resp_gender other Other
#> 6 resp_gender pnta Prefer not to answer
#> 7 hoh_gender male Male / man
#> 8 hoh_gender female Female / woman
#> 9 hoh_gender other Other
#> 10 hoh_gender pnta Prefer not to answer
#> # ℹ 496 more rows
#> $analysis_type_dictionary
#> analysis_type label_analysis_type
#> 1 prop_select_one Proportion (single choice)
#> 2 prop_select_multiple Proportion (multiple choice)
#> 3 mean Mean
#> 4 ratio Ratio
#> 5 median Median
french_dictionary <- data.frame(
analysis_type = c(
label_analysis_type = c(
"Proportion (Choix unique)",
"Proportion (Choix multiple)",
kobo_survey_sheet = presentresults_MSNA2024_kobotool_fixed$kobo_survey,
kobo_choices_sheet = presentresults_MSNA2024_kobotool_fixed$kobo_choices,
label_column = "label::french",
analysis_type_dictionary = french_dictionary
#> Warning: Duplicated labels, try to the function review_kobo_labels to help
#> $dictionary_survey
#> # A tibble: 119 × 2
#> name `label::french`
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 admin1 Admin 1
#> 2 resp_gender Quel est votre genre ?
#> 3 hoh_gender Quel est le genre du ou de la chef.fe de ménage ?
#> 4 hoh_age Quel est l'âge du ou de la chef.fe de ménage ?
#> 5 setting Vivez-vous dans une zone rurale, urbaine ou péri…
#> 6 hh_size Combien de personnes, y compris vous-même, viven…
#> 7 aap_priority_challenge Quels sont les défis les plus importants auxquel…
#> 8 aap_priority_support_ngo Quel soutien (le cas échéant) votre ménage souha…
#> 9 aap_preferred_modality Si votre ménage devait recevoir une aide humanit…
#> 10 aap_received_assistance_12m Votre ménage a-t-il bénéficié d'une aide humanit…
#> # ℹ 109 more rows
#> $dictionary_choices
#> # A tibble: 492 × 3
#> name_survey name_choices `label::french_choices`
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 admin1 PCODE1 À mettre à jour par le pays
#> 2 admin1 PCODE2 À mettre à jour par le pays
#> 3 resp_gender male Masculin / homme
#> 4 resp_gender female Féminin / femme
#> 5 resp_gender other Autre
#> 6 resp_gender pnta Préfère ne pas répondre
#> 7 hoh_gender male Masculin / homme
#> 8 hoh_gender female Féminin / femme
#> 9 hoh_gender other Autre
#> 10 hoh_gender pnta Préfère ne pas répondre
#> # ℹ 482 more rows
#> $analysis_type_dictionary
#> analysis_type label_analysis_type
#> 1 prop_select_one Proportion (Choix unique)
#> 2 prop_select_multiple Proportion (Choix multiple)
#> 3 mean Moyenne
#> 4 ratio Ratio
#> 5 median Médiane