Calculate duration from audit between 2 questions
The function will calculate time difference between the start of the start_question and the end of the end_question.
In case the node appear several time (if the value was changed or with a select multiple) it will take the minimum for the start and the maximum for the end.
If a value is missing (skip logic or question not found), it will return -Inf
some_audit <- data.frame(
event = c("form start", rep("question", 5)),
node = c("", paste0("/xx/question", 1:5)),
start = c(
1661415887295, 1661415887301, 1661415890819,
1661415892297, 1661415893529, 1661415894720
end = c(
NA, 1661415890790, 1661415892273,
1661415893506, 1661415894703, 1661415896452
create_duration_from_audit_with_start_end(some_audit, "question1", "question3")
#> duration_ms duration_minutes
#> 1 6205 0.1