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Checks for potential PII


  element_name = "checked_dataset",
  uuid_column = "uuid",
  words_to_look = NULL



dataset to be check as a dataframe or a list with the dataframe stored as "checked_dataset"


If the input is a list file, please specify the element name that contains the dataset


uuid column in the dataset. Default is uuid.


Specify the words that might be the PIIs


dataset with potential PII


check_pii(cleaningtools_raw_data, uuid_column = "X_uuid")
#> $checked_dataset
#> # A tibble: 632 × 348
#>    X.U.FEFF.start    end   date_assessment deviceid enumerator_num neighbourhood
#>    <chr>             <chr> <chr>           <chr>             <int> <chr>        
#>  1 2021-07-05T10:58… 2021… 2021-07-05      collect…             13 A2           
#>  2 2021-07-05T10:08… 2021… 2021-07-05      collect…             13 A2           
#>  3 2021-07-05T11:22… 2021… 2021-07-05      collect…              8 A2           
#>  4 2021-07-04T22:22… 2021… 2021-07-04      collect…             15 A2           
#>  5 2021-07-04T23:11… 2021… 2021-07-04      collect…             15 A2           
#>  6 2021-07-05T10:17… 2021… 2021-07-05      collect…             14 A2           
#>  7 2021-07-05T11:38… 2021… 2021-07-05      collect…              4 A4           
#>  8 2021-07-05T11:01… 2021… 2021-07-05      collect…             16 A2           
#>  9 2021-07-05T11:45… 2021… 2021-07-05      collect…             16 A2           
#> 10 2021-07-05T10:19… 2021… 2021-07-05      collect…              8 A2           
#> # ℹ 622 more rows
#> # ℹ 342 more variables: consent_remote <chr>, hhh_r <chr>,
#> #   will_to_response_r <chr>, age_respondent_r <int>, age_hoh <int>,
#> #   gender_hoh <chr>, displace_status <chr>, displace_status_returnee <chr>,
#> #   return_date <chr>, num_hh_member <int>, hh_hosting <chr>,
#> #   num_hh_hosting <int>, hh_hosted <chr>, shelter_occupation <chr>,
#> #   shelter_occupation_other <chr>, property_title <chr>, …
#> $potential_PII
#> # A tibble: 5 × 3
#>   uuid  question                              issue        
#>   <chr> <chr>                                 <chr>        
#> 1 all   neighbourhood                         Potential PII
#> 2 all   water_supply_rest_neighbourhood       Potential PII
#> 3 all   water_supply_other_neighbourhoods     Potential PII
#> 4 all   water_supply_other_neighbourhoods_why Potential PII
#> 5 all   consent_telephone_number              Potential PII