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Check a logical test


  uuid_column = "uuid",
  information_to_add = NULL,
  check_id = "logical_xx",
  columns_to_clean = NULL,



dataset to be check as a dataframe or a list with the dataframe stored as "checked_dataset"


uuid column in the dataset. Default is "uuid".


string vector optional, if to add some information to the log (today, vilagge)


name of the check to perform


test to perform as R code (in text format)


variables to be put in the log. if not provided, it will try to detect variables


description of the check performed


return a list with the dataset checked stored as checked_dataset, it will have all a column added with the check_id and a dataframe with the logical check log.


test_data <- data.frame(
  uuid = c(1:10) %>% as.character(),
  today = rep("2023-01-01", 10),
  location = rep(c("villageA", "villageB"), 5),
  distance_to_market = c(rep("less_30", 5), rep("more_30", 5)),
  access_to_market = c(rep("yes", 4), rep("no", 6)),
  number_children_05 = c(rep(c(0, 1), 4), 5, 6)

  uuid_column = "uuid",
  check_id = "my_test",
  check_to_perform = "distance_to_market == \"less_30\" & access_to_market == \"no\"",
  columns_to_clean = "distance_to_market, access_to_market",
  description = "distance to market less than 30 and no access"
#> $checked_dataset
#>    uuid      today location distance_to_market access_to_market
#> 1     1 2023-01-01 villageA            less_30              yes
#> 2     2 2023-01-01 villageB            less_30              yes
#> 3     3 2023-01-01 villageA            less_30              yes
#> 4     4 2023-01-01 villageB            less_30              yes
#> 5     5 2023-01-01 villageA            less_30               no
#> 6     6 2023-01-01 villageB            more_30               no
#> 7     7 2023-01-01 villageA            more_30               no
#> 8     8 2023-01-01 villageB            more_30               no
#> 9     9 2023-01-01 villageA            more_30               no
#> 10   10 2023-01-01 villageB            more_30               no
#>    number_children_05 my_test
#> 1                   0   FALSE
#> 2                   1   FALSE
#> 3                   0   FALSE
#> 4                   1   FALSE
#> 5                   0    TRUE
#> 6                   1   FALSE
#> 7                   0   FALSE
#> 8                   1   FALSE
#> 9                   5   FALSE
#> 10                  6   FALSE
#> $my_test
#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#>   uuid  question           old_value issue                check_id check_binding
#>   <chr> <chr>              <chr>     <chr>                <chr>    <chr>        
#> 1 5     distance_to_market less_30   distance to market … my_test  my_test ~/~ 5
#> 2 5     access_to_market   no        distance to market … my_test  my_test ~/~ 5

  uuid_column = "uuid",
  information_to_add = c("today", "location"),
  check_to_perform = "distance_to_market == \"less_30\" & access_to_market == \"no\"",
  columns_to_clean = "distance_to_market, access_to_market",
  description = "distance to market less than 30 and no access"
#> $checked_dataset
#>    uuid      today location distance_to_market access_to_market
#> 1     1 2023-01-01 villageA            less_30              yes
#> 2     2 2023-01-01 villageB            less_30              yes
#> 3     3 2023-01-01 villageA            less_30              yes
#> 4     4 2023-01-01 villageB            less_30              yes
#> 5     5 2023-01-01 villageA            less_30               no
#> 6     6 2023-01-01 villageB            more_30               no
#> 7     7 2023-01-01 villageA            more_30               no
#> 8     8 2023-01-01 villageB            more_30               no
#> 9     9 2023-01-01 villageA            more_30               no
#> 10   10 2023-01-01 villageB            more_30               no
#>    number_children_05 logical_xx
#> 1                   0      FALSE
#> 2                   1      FALSE
#> 3                   0      FALSE
#> 4                   1      FALSE
#> 5                   0       TRUE
#> 6                   1      FALSE
#> 7                   0      FALSE
#> 8                   1      FALSE
#> 9                   5      FALSE
#> 10                  6      FALSE
#> $logical_xx
#> # A tibble: 2 × 8
#>   uuid  today      location question      old_value issue check_id check_binding
#>   <chr> <chr>      <chr>    <chr>         <chr>     <chr> <chr>    <chr>        
#> 1 5     2023-01-01 villageA distance_to_… less_30   dist… logical… logical_xx ~…
#> 2 5     2023-01-01 villageA access_to_ma… no        dist… logical… logical_xx ~…