Create a list of analysis from design and a grouping variable
Helper for the create_analysis. It will take all the columns that are character, logical, double or integers.
- design
Survey design object created with srvyr::as_survey or as_survey_design
- group_var
The grouping variable as string. If a combination of grouping variable should be used together it should be 1 string character separated with a ",". i.e. c("admin1", "population") and "admin1, population" are different:
c("admin1", "population") : will perform the analysis grouping once by admin1, and once by population
"admin1, population" : will perform the analysis grouping once by admin1 and admin 2
- sm_separator
Separator for choice multiple questions. The default is "."
shorter_df <- analysistools_MSNA_template_data[, c(
design = srvyr::as_survey(shorter_df),
group_var = "admin1"
#> Joining with `by = join_by(type)`
#> analysis_type analysis_var group_var level
#> 1 prop_select_one admin1 <NA> 0.95
#> 2 mean expenditure_debt <NA> 0.95
#> 3 median expenditure_debt <NA> 0.95
#> 4 prop_select_one wash_drinkingwatersource <NA> 0.95
#> 5 mean expenditure_debt admin1 0.95
#> 6 median expenditure_debt admin1 0.95
#> 7 prop_select_one wash_drinkingwatersource admin1 0.95