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Clean data and Sample Frame




These data sets include HH data template


#> # A tibble: 100 × 449
#>    instance_name enum_gender hoh   respondent_able_to_answer respondent_age
#>    <lgl>         <chr>       <chr> <chr>                              <dbl>
#>  1 NA            male        no    yes                                   22
#>  2 NA            male        no    no                                    20
#>  3 NA            female      yes   yes                                   20
#>  4 NA            female      no    no                                    20
#>  5 NA            female      no    yes                                   21
#>  6 NA            female      no    no                                    22
#>  7 NA            other       yes   yes                                   18
#>  8 NA            male        yes   no                                    20
#>  9 NA            female      yes   yes                                   22
#> 10 NA            other       no    yes                                   20
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
#> # ℹ 444 more variables: respondent_gender <chr>, hoh_age <dbl>,
#> #   hoh_gender <chr>, hoh_civil_status <chr>, hoh_civil_status_other <chr>,
#> #   admin1 <chr>, admin2 <chr>, admin3 <chr>, admin4 <chr>, cluster_id <chr>,
#> #   hh_size <dbl>, parent_instance_name <lgl>, person_id <lgl>,
#> #   ind_gender <chr>, ind_age <dbl>, ind_relationship_hoh <chr>,
#> #   ind_relationship_hoh_other <chr>, ind_pos <lgl>, hh_number_men <dbl>, …